Why Ovarian Cancer is Difficult to Detect in Its Early Stages?

October 9, 2024
Posted in Blogs
October 9, 2024 Neha Raj

Early signs of ovarian cancer

Ovarian cancer symptoms are often vague and often overlooked. Because of these subtle symptoms, ovarian cancer is mostly detected at the latter stage. Ovarian cancer affects women, and it is also considered one of the most severe cancers to treat. Every 1 in 75 women is at risk of ovarian cancer.

Ovarian cancer is divided into four stages, and with each stage, ovarian cancer gets more advanced and difficult to diagnose.

In the early stage, i.e. stage 1, ovarian cancer affects the ovaries. It first initially impacts one ovary, but later on, it starts spreading to other ovaries and other organs of the body.

Many women do not realize they have ovarian cancer until it is in an advanced stage, which makes treatment more difficult. To deal with this, it is essential to detect ovarian cancer early on.

Detecting ovarian cancer early increases your survival rate and helps heal your body more effectively.

This guide will highlight some of the early symptoms that the ovarian cancer doctor uses to diagnose ovarian cancer. Remember, only when you take proactive measures can increase your chances of survival and recover quickly from ovarian cancer.


Why is Ovarian Cancer Difficult to Detect in the Early Stage?

There are several reasons why ovarian cancer is difficult to detect in the early stages.

One of the major reasons why detecting ovarian cancer is hard is because of the subtle symptoms. This is because ovarian cancer early symptoms are very mild and often misjudged with other health issues that cause the delay in treatment.

For instance, patients might suffer from bloating, swelling, discomfort, pain in the lower area of the stomach, difficulty swallowing, loss of appetite, and other signs. These symptoms are considered harmless at first glance and often treated with mild medicines; hence, they go untreated and are ignored.

Secondly, ovarian cancer is initially reported in ovaries, as they are female reproductive organs that are located deep inside the body, which makes it difficult to detect them. Moreover, ovarian cancer does not have any physical signs that would help in highlighting any issue.

Thirdly, there is no particular reason why ovarian cancer happens in the first place. According to the reports, ovarian cancer only happens because of abnormal growth of cells that later take the form of a tumour; hence, there is no specific screening test that would help in identifying ovarian cancer. Moreover, these tests are not reliable, which adds to the problem.

Fourthly, when ovarian cancer is detected, it is already spread to other parts of the body. When women notice something is wrong, it is too late. That is why it is important for women to keep an eye on any unusual or persistent warning.


Common Early Warning Signs of Ovarian Cancer

Though ovarian cancer is hard to detect, when looking out for early symptoms, it will become easier for women to identify and diagnose ovarian cancer. Also, remember even with the additional test, there is no guarantee that ovarian cancer is detected early on.

Here are some of the early symptoms signs that will help in identifying ovarian cancer early on:

1: Bloating 

  • More often, patients feel bloated; this often goes on for weeks, which may be a sign of ovarian cancer. Other ovarian cancer signs you could look for are tightness and pain around the lower part of the stomach.

2: Pelvic pain 

  • Other symptoms you could see are persistent pain around the pelvis (area below the stomach and contains bladder and rectum) or around the lower part of the stomach.

3: Difficult in eating 

  • Another ovarian cancer symptom is difficulty in eating or loss of appetite. Patients often feel full just after taking a few bites. Moreover, ovarian cancer tumours usually end up pressing against your stomach, which disturbs your digestive system, making it hard for you to digest.

4: Increase in urination 

  • Ovarian cancer patients frequently feel the urge to urinate, or they may also notice changes in bowel movements. This increase in urination is often associated with ovarian cancer.

5: Feeling fatigued and tired 

  • You may also feel tired or continuously fatigued, which never goes away. This is also an ovarian cancer indication you should watch out for.

6: Changes in menstruation 

  • Many female patients also notice irregularities in the menstruation cycle. This could be heavy bleeding, a gap between period cycles, or postmenopausal bleeding.

7: Pain during intercourse

  • Ovarian cancer patients also suffer from dyspareunia in the early stages of the cancer. Dyspareunia is a medical condition where females experience or undergo pain during intercourse. This symptom again can result from changes in the ovaries or pressure from a growing tumor.


Risk Factors of Ovarian Cancer

Though ovarian cancer can affect women of any stage, women of age 50 and who are in menopause period are more at risk of ovarian cancer. Another risk factor for ovarian cancer is genetic disorders and having a family history of ovarian cancer.

For instance, women with BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes are at higher risk. Next, women who have never been pregnant or infertile also have high chances of ovarian cancer. Being overweight or obese is often associated with ovarian cancer risk factors.

Early menstruation, smoking, or women who have PCOS are other risk factors for ovarian cancer. So these are some of the common symptoms of ovarian cancer that would help in the early detection of ovarian cancer.

Are There Odd Symptoms of Ovarian Cancer? 

There are some odd symptoms that help in early detection of ovarian cancer.

  • Firstly, we have unexplained pain during sexual intercourse. Pain during sexual intercourse may be a sign of ovarian cancer, which might result from a tumor affecting the reproductive organs or nearby structures.
  • Secondly, there is persistent back pain or swelling in the legs. Unlike your typical and standard back pain, which is often caused by improper posture or sitting for a long time, this pain may be caused by pressure from a tumour.
  • Another odd symptom you may notice is constipation. Ovarian cancer can lead to changes in bowel habits, including constipation.
  • Gas or indigestion are also odd signs of ovarian cancer.
  • Sometimes, ovarian patients may also feel nauseous and feel like puking. Furthermore, unexplained chest pain or persistent heartburn that is often related to acid reflux can also be an unusual symptom of ovarian cancer.
  • Lastly, depending on the symptom, the patient may either gain or lose weight without making significant changes in diet or exercise.

NOTE: If you are diagnosed with ovarian cancer, follow diet tips for ovarian cancer that play an important role in your overall treatment and recovery.


How is Ovarian Cancer Diagnosed? 

There are multiple ways you can use to diagnose ovarian cancer; however, to accurately diagnose ovarian cancer is quite challenging. However, combining multiple tests would help produce precise results. For example, suppose you have a genetic disorder or have someone in your family who has ovarian cancer. In that case, you should immediately consult your doctor when you start noticing ovarian cancer early symptoms.

Consult the leading ovarian cancer specialist in Ahmedabad, Dr. Aditi Bhatt, who is renowned for her expertise in diagnosing and treating ovarian cancer. She will begin with a thorough examination, checking for any abnormalities in the abdomen or pelvic area. An ultrasound will be used alongside the pelvic exam to generate images that can help detect abnormal growths or cysts on the ovaries.

A CT scan will be done for a more detailed report to find any unusuality. This will help ovarian cancer doctors identify tumour size, shape, and spread. Moreover, it will also help them in assessing and knowing whether ovarian cancer has spread to other organs.

Some blood tests like CA-125 help in testing ovarian cancer. Even a biopsy of tissues around the abdomen lining is taken to test ovarian cancer.


In Final Words 

Overall, in conclusion, early detection of ovarian cancer can no doubt significantly improve the chances of successful treatment and recovery. While symptoms for identifying ovarian cancer are subtle or resemble other common health issues, it is crucial to pay attention to any persistent or unusual signs. If you or your beloved family members experience or undergo symptoms like bloating, pelvic pain, or changes in appetite or urination, it is essential to consult a healthcare provider promptly.

Understanding the risk factors and taking proactive measures, such as regular check-ups and being aware of your body, can help in catching ovarian cancer at an earlier stage.

Remember, awareness and early action are key to overcoming ovarian cancer and ensuring better health outcomes. Always listen to your body and seek medical advice if something feels wrong.

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