Post-HIPEC Surgery Diet: Foods to Eat and Avoid for Optimal Recovery

What to Eat After HIPEC Surgery

HIPEC (Hyperthermic Intraperitoneal Chemotherapy) is a very specialized and advanced surgical procedure that is used to treat certain types of stomach cancers. This method is unique in its own way; unlike your traditional cancer chemotherapy treatment, Hyperthermic Intraperitoneal Chemotherapy is a combination of surgery and heated chemotherapy to increase the efficiency and effectively treat the cancer cells in the abdomen.

The process of HIPEC begins with an expert surgeon removing the visible tumor cells in your stomach; once all the visible tumor cells are removed, the surgeon applies the heated chemotherapy directly into the abdominal cavity. This treatment is designed and aims to reduce the recurrence of cancer cells and increase effectiveness.

However, because of the complexity of the HIPEC surgery, patients are bound to feel uncomfortable, nauseous, and weak. Your body naturally needs proper nutrition post surgery to heal and gain strength as the days after the surgery are very crucial. The Best HIPEC Specialist in Ahmedabad, Dr. Aditi Bhatt, also recommends patients maintain a nutritious diet so that they can heal their wounds and recover quickly.

After surgery, your stomach becomes extra sensitive, and eating normal foods like roti or rice becomes difficult to swallow or digest. This guide will help you understand what food you should initially be eating after the surgery and what nutritious diet you should be following.


Why Nutrition is Crucial Post-HIPEC Surgery?

To nourish your body and have a smoother recovery, it is vital for your body to eat nutritious food. Eating nutritious food after HIPEC surgery helps your body from coping up with the significant stress your body goes under.

As post-HIPEC surgery, your body works harder to repair surgical incisions and heal the tissues; eating foods high in nutrition and protein helps in the revival of tissues and cells damaged during the treatment. It increases the healing process, thus reducing the toll on your body.

After complex procedures like HIPEC surgery, your body’s immunity becomes weak. This increases the chances of catching inflections. Therefore, eating foods that are rich in Vitamins like A and C boosts your body’s immunity and fight off against the infection.

One of the side effects of Hyperthermic Intraperitoneal Chemotherapy surgery is patients often end up feeling weak and tired. Hence, your body needs energy to recover. Therefore, it is recommended to eat carbohydrates and healthy fats that will help in providing energy to your body.


What to Eat After Surgery to Heal Faster?

It is essential to focus on your eating, especially after the post-HIPEC surgery.

Because along with the medications it is also a diet rich in nutrients that will help your body recover quickly from Hyperthermic Intraperitoneal Chemotherapy treatment.

For Vegetarians:

  • Prote­in & Fiber: Include high-protein foods such as tofu and lentils and gre­ens like spinach and broccoli.
  • Digestion Boost: Swirl in some­ honey and Greek yogurt for dige­stion support.
  • Iron & Zinc: Crisp spinach and chickpeas salads with a tart of lemon dressing can give­ you extra iron and zinc.
  • Good Fats: Almonds are your friends for he­althy body strength.
  • Anti-Inflammation: A traditional turmeric and hot milk can ease­ inflammation and help heal wounds.
  • Vitamins & Antioxidants: Eating fruits like strawberries, raspberries, and blueberries is a rich source of vitamins and antioxidants. You can either consume them raw or make a smoothie shake.

For Non-Vegetarians:

  • Lean Proteins: Choose simple­-to-digest proteins like fish, boile­d eggs, or chicken for tissue re­pair.
  • Omega Acids: For rich omega acids, food that helps decrease inflammation and swelling eating salmon and a few light vegetables is a good option.
  • Iron & Zinc: Soft beef with boile­d mashed potatoes is a hefty source­ of iron and zinc.
  • Muscle Strength: Veggie­ and nut soups are your go-to for healthy fats and muscle re­storation.


Initial Post-Surgery Diet: What to Eat?

As your body is more delicate and fragile due to the combined treatment of surgery and heated chemotherapy, it is important to consume light food, mostly liquid-based food, that is easy to digest.

Post HIPEC surgery, at 24 to 48 hours, only have liquid-based food like soup, water, or maybe some juice. Do not eat hard food, as your digestive system is not ready to reintroduce the hard food substance. 

Once your body is accustomed to liquid food, you can start having soups with vegetables, milk, and smoothies. With time more soft and easily digestible food like mashed potatoes, yogurt, oats, coconut water, etc.


Tips for Easier Digestion and Faster Recovery Post-HIPEC

  1. As your body is not ready to handle large meals instantly, having small meals at intervals is vital. This will ensure all of the food gets digested.
  2. Make sure you are not eating sugary food and drinks, and do not smoke or drink alcohol, as it can interfere with your treatment and may slow your healing process.
  3. Pay special attention to your body and its symptoms, and avoid eating foods that irritate your stomach and make you feel more uncomfortable.
  4. Do not immediately return to your regular routine, give your body rest for at least 3 months, and try not to lift heavy weights or do strenuous exercise as it can have a negative impact on your body.

As every patient’s need varies, it is important to follow your prime surgeon’s advice on what to eat and what not to eat.


What Foods to Avoid Eating After HIPEC Surgery?

It is essential to be mindful of the things you eat. Certain foods should be completely avoided and not be consumed after surgery or during the recovery period.

  • Do not eat high-fat and fried food like french fries, chicken fry, bacon, and sausages, as these foods may cause you to feel nauseous and often lead to diarrhea, which might slow your recovery.
  • Spicy foods often end up irritating your stomach, which is not good as it burdens your digestive system unnecessarily. So, avoid eating spicy food that can lead to a burning sensation.
  • Do not consume raw vegetables and high-fiber foods as they can be too harsh for your digestive system.
  • Avoid having carbonated beverages like soda, beer, or any other fizzy drinks.

These are some of the foods that you should stay away from to reduce the aftermath complications and promote better digestion and healing.



In conclusion, recovering from HIPEC surgery requires careful consideration of what you put on your plate. As the combination of surgery and heated chemotherapy is not easy for your stomach and body, it is important to consume food that will promote better digestion and increase healing.

Therefore, a balanced diet is very vital to recovery. Focus on eating light food during the initial hours after post-surgery.

During the recovery period, stay away from alcohol, sugar-based food and drinks, and high-saturated and carbon foods that can impede your recovery. Thus, you can prepare yourself for a smoother recovery by considering all of these.

If you’re ge­tting HIPEC cancer surgery in Ahmedabad, know that spe­cialised surgeons such as Dr. Aditi Bhatt are the­re to help. She de­liver custom advice, making sure patie­nts get top-notch care. This includes mode­rn surgical practices and advice on meals afte­r surgery.

Dr. Bhatt, an estee­med HIPEC expert, stre­sses the role of a tailore­d, nutritious diet. It’s a vital part of the re­covery plan. It assists patients in handling symptoms after surge­ry and enhancing their life quality as the­y recover.

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