Frequently Asked Questions

The abdominal cavity is the largest hollow space of the body. It contains the greater part of the digestive tract, along with the liver and the pancreas, the spleen, the kidneys, and the adrenal glands above the kidneys. The abdominal cavity is lined by the peritoneum which is a membrane whose surface is as large as the skin surface. Read more

Peritoneal cancer means cancer of the peritoneum. Read more

es, spread of cancer to the peritoneum is considered stage 4 in most cancers. In ovarian cancer it is stage 3. Read more

Peritoneal cancer is primary when the tumor arises from the peritoneum itself (primary peritoneal carcinomatosis). But when the tumor from other sites spreads to the peritoneum, it is secondary. Read more

Cyto=cells and reduction=removal. Hence, Cytoreductive surgery refers to removal of all the tumor cells from the peritoneal cavity. Read more

HIPEC or Hyperthermic Intraperitoneal Chemotherapy is a surgical procedure that is performed in the operating room after all the visible tumor has been removed with the help of cytoreductive surgery.  Read more

PIPAC or Pressurized Intraperitoneal Aerosol Chemotherapy is a new method of giving chemotherapy to patients with advanced abdominal cancer. This procedure is performed through laparoscopy. Read more

Sometimes in addition to or as an alternative to HIPEC, chemotherapy is given immediately after surgery directly to the peritoneal cavity. This is known as Early Postoperative Chemotherapy or EPIC. It may add to the benefit of HIPEC as well.

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