Nutrition and Diet for Ovarian Cancer Patients: A Complete Guide

October 3, 2024
Posted in Blogs
October 3, 2024 Neha Raj

ovarian-cancer treatmentOvarian cancer is one of the most complex cancers to treat, mainly because of its silent symptoms, which are nearly impossible to detect in the early stage. Not to forget, the journey of recovering from ovarian cancer is not an easy one.

When patients have ovarian cancer, they are often overwhelmed. This is not just because of the treatment but also due to the many challenges and decisions they have to make. One of the important factors an ovarian patient needs to consider is diet.

This is where many people with ovarian cancer make mistakes. They might wonder about the need for a diet and question if it will make any difference. The answer is yes. What you have for breakfast and dinner will determine your health and how well your body will cope with the treatment. 

Therefore, it is important to know what to eat and what to avoid. This guide will help you understand what food or fruits you should avoid if you have ovarian cancer.


Why Nutrition is Critical for Ovarian Cancer Patients?

A nutritious diet is absolutely essential for fast recovery and efficient treatment. When your body fights against cancerous cells, it is naturally under a lot of stress; it is constantly fighting against these cells. So, to make you feel better and have a quick recovery as soon as possible, you need to have a balanced diet.

Here are some of the reasons why having a nutritious diet is vital for you and your body.

  • Reason 1: Nutritious diets help in fighting against cancer cells; they make your body strong and help in strengthening your immune system through minerals and vitamins.
  • Reason 2: Having high-protein foods like grains, fish, or meat helps in providing proper nutrition to your body. This, in turn, helps your body to have better tolerance as opposed to side effects like nausea, vomiting, fatigue, etc.
  • Reason 3: A balanced diet is helpful in maintaining your body weight. Maintaining a healthy weight is crucial for your body and health, as many times you would notice an increase in weight or weight loss due to the side effects of the medicine.
  • Reason 4: A healthy and nutritious diet makes it easier for you to reduce cancer-related inflammation. For instance, omega acids that are found in fish have anti-inflammatory properties.
  • Reason 5: Having a well-maintained and balanced diet has a better response to cancer treatment. Studies have shown that having a balanced diet tends to result in a better response to therapies and radiation.
  • Reason 6: In addition, a rich diet also supports and has a positive impact on your mental and emotional well-being. Certain foods have mood-boosting properties that help promote a sense of peacefulness and calmness.
  • Reason 7: For a better digestive system, it is important to have foods that are rich and healthy. It can also help in supporting your bowel movements.


Foods to Avoid: What Not to Eat When Battling Ovarian Cancer?

It is critical to have a well-maintained diet before and after ovarian cancer treatment. A nutritious diet helps set the tone for your treatment and recovery. Just like eating fruits is beneficial, certain foods should not be eaten, as they can negatively impact your health and also affect your treatment.

1. Processed meats

Having processed or preserved meats can increase inflammation. For example, meats like hot dogs and beacons consist of high sodium and preservatives; if ovarian cancer consumes them, they are at high risk of recurrence and inflammation. It’s better to avoid eating processed food rather than having preserved meats. It’s better to eat fresh, unprocessed meat like fish.

2. Red meat 

Red meat consists of beef, pork, and lamb. These meats are often cooked at high temperatures. They are often grilled and fried, which produces harmful components like HCAs that cause cancer. Moreover, they contain high saturated fat, which results in high inflammation that can have a negative effect on your heart. It’s better for ovarian patients to consume them frugally.

3. Overeating sugary food

Another food that you should not be eating if you are diagnosed with ovarian cancer is sugary foods. Having sugar-processed products like candies, pastries, ice creams, and cakes often leads to weight gain. Along with the increase in weight, it can also hike the blood and sugar levels, which makes it harder to fight off cancer cells in your body. To satisfy your sweet tooth and sugar cravings have natural fruits that contain sweetness.

4. Consuming refined carbohydrates or fried food 

You should steer away from foods that contain a high amount of refined carbohydrates. For example, French fries, white bread, and fried chicken are some of the types of food known for containing high amounts of refined carbohydrates. Moreover, such food contains high calories and is low in protein, which makes it harder for your body to maintain the healthy weight required for ovarian cancer patients.

5. Drinking alcohol or alcohol-based drinks 

Lastly, you should also avoid consuming alcohol-based drinks before or after your surgery as they contain harmful substances that do more harm than good by weakening your immune system. In case you have taken a sip of such drinks, it will only worsen the side effects of ovarian cancer treatment by making you feel more nauseous and tired, which will indirectly affect your ability to fight against ovarian cancer. Instead of having such drinks, it is better to have juices or smoothies that will help in improving your health. For example, having coconut water can increase your healing process effectively.


Best Diet for Ovarian Cancer Patients: What to Include in Your Meals

Eating the right food makes a significant difference when dealing with ovarian cancer. A balanced diet helps reduce the side effects and improve overall well-being.

  • Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables that are full of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. These help strengthen your body and immune system. Eating green veggies like spinach, broccoli, carrots, apples, and oranges is useful and effective in strengthening your body.
  • Eat fibre protein for better digestion and to keep blood levels stable. Rich fibre products like quinoa and whole-grain bread are good choices.
  • To repair your body tissues and keep your muscles strong, eat food that is known for lean protein. Lean proteins are products that are high in protein but low in fats and calories. Good examples of lean protein products would be beans and eggs.
  • Eating healthy fats like avocado or nuts reduces inflammation and can also help provide energy. Olive oil is a better substitute for butter.
  • Aim to drink at least ten glasses of water. This will help you stay hydrated. For a better effect, try using herbal tea or water with lemon or cucumber slices.

Note: Before going with any diet for ovarian cancer, it is recommended to consult your doctor or dietitian.

Are There Foods That Can Cause Ovarian Cancer?

Yes, there are several studies and research that have supported the findings.

Certain foods can increase the risk of ovarian cancer. For example, consuming red meats, animal meats, fried food, or processed meats can increase the chances of having ovarian cancer.

In addition, high saturated and trans fats can also increase the risk of ovarian cancer. To overcome this problem and reduce the chances of being diagnosed with ovarian cancer, it is better to have a rich and well-balanced diet. Cruciferous vegetables like cabbage, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, mustard plants, etc. can also reduce the risk of ovarian cancer.


How the Right Diet Can Improve Your Treatment Outcomes?

A nutritious and balanced diet not only helps ovarian cancer patients with speedy healing but also lessens the effects of medicines and radiation during treatment.

Eating fresh green veggies and lean protein products can reduce inflammation and support the immune system.  Conversely, avoiding sugary drinks and products, fried food, and high-saturated meals creates more complications.

While diet is an essential part of your recovery plan, it is equally important to consult a specialist for personalized advice and care. Dr. Aditi Bhatt, a renowned ovarian cancer specialist in Ahmedabad, is dedicated to providing comprehensive care for her patients. Her extensive experience and expertise will help you find effective nutritional strategies that are tailored according to your needs and conditions.

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